Open question to all the baboons. Inspired by American History X.

“Who the fuck have you made life better for?”

Myers, Benson, Watson, Marcotte, Christina and the rest of the baboon clingers? Who the fuck’s life have you improved? Honest answer. Anathema. Burns like acid thinking about it. Short answer is no one’s but your own.

Your hatred and division burns just like race politics. Or “nigger bullshit”. You are fabricating a new generation of “niggers”. And you call it “progress”. Worse, “Freethought”.

Fuck you. Hatred is your only shtick.

Researchers find poop-throwing by chimps is a sign of intelligence

November 30, 2011 by Bob Yirka report chimpanzee


Common chimpanzee in the Leipzig Zoo. Image credit: Thomas Lersch, via Wikipedia.

( — A lot of people who have gone to the zoo have become the targets of feces thrown by apes or monkeys, and left no doubt wondering about the so-called intellectual capacity of a beast that would resort to such foul play. Now however, researchers studying such behavior have come to the conclusion that throwing feces, or any object really, is actually a sign of high ordered behavior. Bill Hopkins of Emory University and his colleagues have been studying the whole process behind throwing and the impact it has on brain development, and have published their results in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. […]

More information: The neural and cognitive correlates of aimed throwing in chimpanzees: a magnetic resonance image and behavioural study on a unique form of social tool use, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 12 January 2012 vol. 367 no. 1585 37-47, doi: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0195

Early days I know, and it will probably take thousands of years, but where there’s life there’s hope.

His royal überness

Myers’ Law – In its simplest form Myers’ Law states a baboon has no capacity to either receive or transmit information without corrupting that information. In practical terms this equates to there being no realistic relation between what you communicate to a baboon and what that baboon actually hears. This communication loses even more of its original meaning in the event that baboon then communicates a response back to you. Further, when information enters the baboon echo chamber it loses all relation to reality altogether in a very short time via baboon to baboon retransmission. See cunt kick.

Any non-baboon that has ever attempted to participate in the 24×7 dung fights that constitute what passes for “discussion” on the baboon board knows intimately the feeling that they have walked into some kind of Twilight Zone where ordinary reality has ceased to carry any weight whatsoever. This sense of surreality is followed sequentially by amazement, then by a sense of denial that “this isn’t really happening”, then exasperation and finally overwhelming resignation and despair. (more…)

(and a big thank you from Wikileaks to freefromthoughtblogs)

Wikileaks and Julian Assange have been awarded the 2011 Walkley Award for Outstanding Contribution to Journalism. Not as globally renowned as the Pulitzers, they are nevertheless the Australian equivalent and still an award that retains some degree of credibility and integrity (contra MTV awards or Oscars).

On one level, this is fantastic. The public, fickle as always and with the attention span of gnats, have allowed Assange to largely become the forgotten man – whilst the attacks to destroy him have in no way abated. Journalists are at least making a token effort to acknowledge the man. Any journalist that remembers their code of ethics and standards and actually still practices genuine journalism knows full well that the act of doing their job as the public’s watchdog could land them in a situation similar to Assange’s at any time. In many parts of the world, it is still one of the most dangerous occupations. (more…)

Tell the new, new atheism to fuck off.

This is an extended rumination on some Freethought literature I have mentioned previously. It contains a lot of very pertinent, and in my opinion, critical points that address the why and the how of godlessness, skepticism and Freethought running off the rails as disastrously as they have over the past few years.

These are all points aimed squarely at PZ Myers as he is the prime corrupter of the movement, but it applies equally to all of the other alpha-baboons that have set up shop at the Crisis Factory that is bent on making criminals and pariahs out of anyone that raises a voice in dissent. (more…)

Ophelia Benson practices emergency misogyny response

The Talking Prune’s desperation to cherry-pick for the sake of confirmation bias is well documented and now the stuff of legend. Of all the baboons, she is the one that most consistently has determination enough to bloody her fingernails while scraping the bottom of the barrel.

This is all very much evident in her current barfing – she somehow managed to stumble across the latest, but certainly not the greatest, outrage from a second tier wannabe provocateur cum1 yellow journalist Kyle Sandilands in faraway in Australia (upside down land for the baboons).

This is just trashy headline grabbing in the tradition of Britain’s gutter tabloids, and very much in the contemporary tradition of the baboon board(more…)

"Trust me"

“When science discovers the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to find they are not it.” — Bernard Baily

“It is necessary that we first draw the distinction between evil and ordinary sin. It is not their sins per se that characterize evil people… The central defect of the evil is not the sin but the refusal to acknowledge it… the self-righteous who think they are without sin because they are unwilling to suffer the discomfort of significant self-examination. ” — M. Scott Peck1

“Are a man’s lies merely an indication of his own twisted reality, or does he consciously know he is lying when he sets out to make himself look like the perfect, innocent and injured party?” — Tigress Luv

It never cease to amaze me how The Naked Emperor can continue to pump out this pernicious gibberish and maintain a straight face. It is unbelievable. Does he believe it? I doubt anyone will ever know. A duplicity wrapped in a deceit inside a chicanery. It’s a business model. He has to pretend to believe it – (more…)

Funny! LOL! Get over it.

“The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent of baboon board hypocrisy.” — Voltaire (if he were alive today)

There is only one real consistent set of features within the sheltered workshop that is freefromthoughtblogs – and they are hypocrisy, double standards, demands for exceptionalist considerations and the right to be offended at anything at the drop of a hat. Beyond that, everything is a variable dictated by whatever tantrum is being thrown.

So there was very little surprise to be found in this article passed down the chain eventually finding me –


November 18, 2011 at 2:53 am physioprof

Is there any fucken d00d on earth who has ever used the word “prior” as a noun who doesn’t deserve a massive punch right in the motherfucken dicke? (more…)

Ophelia Benson protests the evils of censorship

This is not the official follow-on to the previous article, just an intermission prompted by some new superhuman idiocy from the Talking Prune. Call it the straw that broke the camels back for today. Of all of the alpha-baboons that barricade themselves within the Crisis Factory, the one that stands out from all the rest in terms of repetitive gibberish and sheer intellectual incoherence is the Talking Prune, Ophelia Benson.

Really, it takes a special breed of imbecile to criticise the epistemic relativism1 of various irrational belief systems, and then, in the same blog, post articles such as A man generally cannot know – and then expect to be taken seriously. And to compound the dumbness, a blog who’s byline is “fighting fashionable nonsense”. Yet Ophelia does this kind of thing day in, day out and does so with a straight face. (more…)

“It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.” — Clifford’s Credo

This is quite a nice article I blundered into from some group that call themselves SKP Freethinkers (“SKP” => “escapee”, buncha recreational vehicle nuts, but with very solid Freethinker / skeptic foundations).

This is as good a statement of Freethought principles as I have seen recently, and in fact, Freedom From Religion Foundation agree, asking to reprint it as a pamphlet. It is clear, concise and to the point – simple enough even for baboons to understand. It is well worth a read, and whilst doing so, bearing The Naked Emperor and “freethought” in mind. Here’s the link and some choice quotes –

What is a freethinker? (more…)