
what a narcissist cunt looks like

What a narcissist cunt looks like

We have fires.

I ran into a chick whose property is a pile of ash. She asked if I’d be at poker on Thursday. I said I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

You can’t say “harden the fuck up” to someone like that.

At least it wasn’t serious like Becky and her elevators.


Related –

Anita Sarkeesian thinks gender and racial segregation is a good idea


[of course this is not a jibe at genuine feminists, embarrassed by the label, like Based Mom, Mercedes Carrera, Ayaan Hirsi Ali et al. They know what I mean]




More useful than an entire identity studies department

hashtag activism

The kind of activism undertaken when you “do something” about a problem by tweeting or posting links to Facebook, without any intent of ever actually doing something. Nothing more than a nonsense feelgood gesture so that one can say they “did something about” whatever trendycause they’re pretending to care about. Usually only lasts a week or two before the cause is completely forgotten (i.e. it stops being cool to forward / retweet on the subject).

EXAMPLE: “I forwarded a video about some unspeakable atrocities in a country I didn’t know existed until I watched the video. My hashtag activism is going to accomplish something!” – [UrbanDictionary]

When my partner Richard and I joined the Kings of Code Hack Battle at the Next Web Europe Conference in Amsterdam last week, we knew that we wanted to make an app that would stand in stark contrast to the infamously misogynist “Tit staring app” from TechCrunch Disrupt last year. It’s about time that we change the “dude” culture of programming into a progressive group that builds apps for social change […] (more…)


Guinea Pig 8 – Barfing Vegans

SJWs being pranked? That never happens…

There is a viral video splattered everywhere you look at the moment showing what is alleged to be live frog sushi. I won’t repost it – it is vile and if you want to see it, you can find it yourself in 5 seconds on google.

Some be-birkenstocked nitwit somewhere found it (or more likely, was pointed to it by some gleeful troll), and from there a ‘net wide viral shitstorm and outraged barfing party has, of course, ensued. Countless web pages, Tweets, Tumblrs and ‘tardbook posts have spontaneously erupted, all having zero corroborating evidence or citation and tending to only be full of links to vegan propaganda… And, of course, there is the obligatory petition. Because, y’know, that changes things and stuff. Just sign it and you can sit back smugly satisfied that you have worked for your cause and begin fishing for the next bit of bait to be outraged about. (more…)



FTB’s Godlessness In Theory – or “why you are all stupid”

Keep falling for that old, tired assumption that freefromthoughtblogs can no longer surprise me with its stupidity. This is so thoroughly gob-smacking that my bruised and battered mind refused to apprehend it fully on a first pass, probably as a self-preservation auto-response. It really makes the Prune look like a rocket scientist. I am at an absolute loss as to how a mind could become so degenerate and so immune to well documented reality. This is how a relatively new loser on the FfTB block defines Freethought, en route to earning brownie points by engaging in groupthink pissing on the latest witch of the week, Pat Condell

‘Freethought’ has always been a left traditionby Alex Gabriel

Objections to Freethought‘s place in our masthead are among the laziest, glibbest soundbites our critics have, but more than that display a failure to grasp even the term’s most basic history. Freethought is not ‘free thought’ or uninhibited inquiry – to think so boasts the same green literalism as thinking a Friends’ Meeting House is a shared beach hut or that Scotch pancakes contain Scotch  – though even if it were, it’s silly and inane to assume one’s critics are automatons or say loose collective viewpoints mean dictatorship. Freethought is a specified tradition, European in the main, whose constituents have by and large been countercultural, radical and leftist, everything Condell and cohorts viscerally despise.

Were it posted anywhere other than FfTB, I would at first assume it was a well crafted Poe designed as flame bait. Depressingly, the cretin appears sincere.

“Freethought is not ‘free thought’ or uninhibited inquiry”

Just read that back to yourselves a few times. Savour its exquisite barnyard aroma.

It beggars belief. I have to wonder precisely what kind of education process is responsible for churning out such a brain dead parrot. Or more importantly, who is responsible for embedding this kind of rote learned tape loop in his mind. Freethoughtblogs has more in common with Pol Pot than The Enlightenement. I have vivisected precisely why FfTB is the antithesis of Freethought previously, and no more needs to be said –

Ask PZ Myers: How Is It That You Can Claim To Be A Freethinker?

It is a credit to freeze peach that imbeciles like this exist and have blogs. Dining tables, as Barney Frank would put it. But it is a two edged sword. While dingbats like Alex Gabriel provide an endless source of mirth for the few actual Freethinkers that remain, consider the poor kids out there that are making their first lunges to free themselves from religions and cults. The likelihood is that they will do so online, and there is a high probability they will stumble on FfTB. And thus have their minds poisoned by a fresh brew of snake oil that the likes of Gabriel peddle…

This is where the real damage gets done. Do your duty. Save the kids from these charlatans. If you don’t, no one else will.


The harassment must cease, the shameless harassers must be named.

Anonymous asked: “to the people asking for evidence on these accusations: missing the point. Believe survivors.”

“I refuse to prove that I exist,” says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.” — Douglas Adams

I admit I have been very lax in my baboonology for the bulk of this year. This is a combination of mostly having better things to do coupled with what I guess can be called cognitive RSI – the gibberish at freefromthoughtblogs and skepchick, for me, is a cumulative toxin and repeat exposure does not allow for immunisation, but rather the nausea has steadily increased to the point that it is now actually painful to see. Nevertheless, I have maintained a reasonable level of awareness of their relentless psychodramatics and 唱板板 via private channels and various news feeds.

It was the latter that pointed me to a link containing the first quote above, which leapt out from the surrounding sea of yet another pernicious, well poisoning, muckraking, pro-baboon tumblr page. The statement in itself maligns no one directly – its real repugnance lies in what it expects of the reader. It is perhaps the most succinct précis I have seen to date that represents what, ultimately, is freefromthoughtblogs’ and skepchick’s true mission statement –

“scrutinise and question everything; ‘everything’ of course, does not include us. Us you believe, always and without evidence, for we are faith based organisations. Every time you doubt anything we say, no matter how preposterous, we drown a kitten”. (more…)


Adria, could you please explain what the t-shirt means?


Not a lot I can say about this that hasn’t been said elsewhere, and frankly, it’s not my horse race anyway. Yet another example of gender fem-bot Jacobinism rearing it’s ugly head – the godless and the gamers are far from the only ones under siege. I’ll leave the concise summary to ArsTechnica –

“Donglegate” is classic overreaction—and everyone pays

Adria Richard’s (her site looks like it’s currently being DDoS’ed) version –

Forking and Dongle Jokes Don’t Belong At Tech Conferences

I would have let this idiocy slide and left it to the propeller heads but for one item in the commentary on Richard’s piece – (more…)

The humility of a psychopath. Otherwise, I’m quite speechless.

myers_hall (more…)

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