moral panic

The Rock - critical theory

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson – the only person to have ever explained Critical Theory coherently.

“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.” — Orwell, Politics and the English Language

“… if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”– ibid.

“It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims”Abdulrahman al-Rashed, BBC News

Our language has been having rocks thrown in its gearbox for close to a century now. First, from the Critical Theory1 fucknuts that sprang up in the decadent nightclub culture of the rapidly failing Weimar Republic in the interlude between the two World Wars. One would assume it was a schizoid hyper-reaction to try and come to terms with, and explain, the brutish idiocy of the Nazis they were allowing to waltz in and seize society in a totalitarian death-grip with barely a murmur of protest. (more…)


Related –

Anita Sarkeesian thinks gender and racial segregation is a good idea



Laird Wilcox – looks like a Nazi rapist cross burner to me

“Whenever an abstract ideal acquires the moral urgency that racial equality or opposition to “bigotry” has today, it’s only a matter of time until we find individuals for whom the noble end justifies the questionable means. The militant, moralizing fanatic — quick to compromise important principles in order to enjoy the flush of righteousness — is the stumbling block which any reasonable resolution of racial/ethnic problems must overcome.” — Laird Wilcox, Crying Wolf: Hate Crime Hoaxes in America

I really don’t see how people like Kurds, Bahá’í or Rohingya have the gall to whine so much about persecution in comparison to those who really suffer – the pudgy pink middle class trust fund brat social justice warriors. Direct fnord threats of physical violence, rape, fnord murder, and even harsh language, have run into the fnord hundreds of thousands, are a daily occurrence fnord so common that bleeding keyboard fingers are no longer capable of blogging about them – and fnord law enforcement’s callous indifference, as usual, does fnord NOTHING to assist the survivors… You only need to ask fnord reputable serial victims like Brianna Wu. (more…)


Typical social commentary from Sarkeesian [click to enlarge]

This popped up on Twitter and needs wider dissemination.

It’s bad enough that Anita Sarkeesian is a flagrant con artist milking, realistically, 100’s of thousands of dollars out of the gender hysteria industry from a combination of thoroughly debunked pseudo-sociology desperately seeking to establish a causative link between gaming and sexism, and perpetual “damsel in distress” mewling victim psychodramatics (which, ironically, is one of the main recurring complaint themes in Sarkeesian’s meagre video output) – but she is doing so with the same tax-exempt status as legitimate charities that actually attempt to help their communities.

Reproduced in full from –


Feminist Frequency: In Breach of Non-Profit Legal Obligation #Gamergate




This is what a cunt looks like

If your daily digest of raw information consists primarily of the illiterati blog industry – because, y’know, you’re a rebel and you know everything else is a construct of Western patriarchal hegemony, weaving lies and illusions to prop up their shaky, unjust and corrupt machinery of oppression (aka the status quo) – then no doubt you will know Christopher Hitchens was an establishment loving, warmongering fascist1.

OTOH, those that can tie their own shoelaces may beg to disagree and point out that Hitchens possessed an intellect that was in a constant state of flux2 voraciously absorbing new information and updating the old on the fly and that to brand him with any fixed ideology or belief system (not to be confused with disbelief system) was quite simply not possible. And the more attentive will also point out that there was a time when Hitch was similarly painted as a card-carrying Trotskyite activist / pamphleteer / smash-the-state revolutionary.



Yes, if the “threats” are credible, people do go to jail

A British woman has been told to expect a jail sentence after being convicted of the misogynist trolling of a feminist campaigner, adding new fuel to the debate over freedom of speech on social networks.

In the case that prompted Twitter to introduce a ‘report abuse’ button, 23-year-old Isabella Sorley and 25-year-old John Nimmo both pleaded guilty to sending menacing messages via a public electronic communications network. Sorley, who has numerous previous convictions for being drunk and disorderly, has been told she faces jail, while Nimmo is likely to receive a non-custodial sentence.

The pair had, separately, targeted Caroline Criado-Perez, who last year successfully campaigned for novelist Jane Austen to appear on English banknotes. Sorley tweeted: “I’ve only just got out of prison and would happily do more time to see you berried!!” and ‘Rape?! I’d do a lot worse things than rape you!!” — [] (more…)


More useful than an entire identity studies department

hashtag activism

The kind of activism undertaken when you “do something” about a problem by tweeting or posting links to Facebook, without any intent of ever actually doing something. Nothing more than a nonsense feelgood gesture so that one can say they “did something about” whatever trendycause they’re pretending to care about. Usually only lasts a week or two before the cause is completely forgotten (i.e. it stops being cool to forward / retweet on the subject).

EXAMPLE: “I forwarded a video about some unspeakable atrocities in a country I didn’t know existed until I watched the video. My hashtag activism is going to accomplish something!” – [UrbanDictionary]

When my partner Richard and I joined the Kings of Code Hack Battle at the Next Web Europe Conference in Amsterdam last week, we knew that we wanted to make an app that would stand in stark contrast to the infamously misogynist “Tit staring app” from TechCrunch Disrupt last year. It’s about time that we change the “dude” culture of programming into a progressive group that builds apps for social change […] (more…)


Guinea Pig 8 – Barfing Vegans

SJWs being pranked? That never happens…

There is a viral video splattered everywhere you look at the moment showing what is alleged to be live frog sushi. I won’t repost it – it is vile and if you want to see it, you can find it yourself in 5 seconds on google.

Some be-birkenstocked nitwit somewhere found it (or more likely, was pointed to it by some gleeful troll), and from there a ‘net wide viral shitstorm and outraged barfing party has, of course, ensued. Countless web pages, Tweets, Tumblrs and ‘tardbook posts have spontaneously erupted, all having zero corroborating evidence or citation and tending to only be full of links to vegan propaganda… And, of course, there is the obligatory petition. Because, y’know, that changes things and stuff. Just sign it and you can sit back smugly satisfied that you have worked for your cause and begin fishing for the next bit of bait to be outraged about. (more…)


There are no good pics… [image from Sydney Morning Herald]

[From the “the more things change, the more they stay the same” files.]

The time was 1994 and, downunder at least, it was when the last great wave of gender feminist lunacy was peaking before sanity once more prevailed and it disappeared back up its own asshole to hibernate for a decade or so.

Reclaim the Night rallies were still drawing enough numbers to embolden some to splash porn stores with red paint and the great fear-n-loathing du jour was date rape…

The mood of the time, and the surreal deformation of conventional reality that accompanied it, was captured quite creepily in this passage from Christina Hoff Sommers in Who Stole Feminism?(more…)

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