Typical of blogs that don't want discussion, only agreement.

It was a matter of time and not entirely unexpected. The baboon board lynch mob has finally arrived and are baying for blood. There were a couple of dozen in the queue before me, and my number finally came up. So many lynchings, so little time…

I think I am supposed to be surprised, spontaneously void my bowels and fall prostrate in terror. In fact, I briefly noted that yes, I did receive their cleverness, and really, they should tell someone who cares. I have otherwise been bound down by too much pre-crassmass nonsense to even consider any more.

The baboon blogs have in the meantime multiplied. Some are from turds like Greg Laden and Rorschach (or whatever else the chickenshit1 calls himself) who you wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire, let alone respond to. The latter is the baboon board’s Chief Censor and led an abortive spurious complaint letter campaign to National Geographic to censor and/or shut down Abbie Smith and ERV. This time around he’s promising to alert the Federal Police. Good-o. Love to hear how you get on. (more…)