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Demonisation of the other is as old a human pursuit as exchanging sex for personal advantage and the quest for mind altering chemicals. Common motivators are personal power plays, petty revenge or the common malice of the Queen bee high school girl. The unacknowledged motivator however is to accentuate the alleged shortcomings of the other, which almost always are trivial in comparison to the character failures of the finger pointer, and thus distract from where the real rot lies.

Zwan’s anti-Justin Vacula petition is a prime example. As discussed previously, this is a case of a pretty worthless exhibit of humanity lacking both the skill and intellect to contribute anything meaningful to life exercising jealous spite to skewer someone that does. And in the broader freefromthoughtblogs perspective, it looks like a case of Goldilocks and the Three Gallows Dawkins is too big and too indifferent to taunting; DJ Grothe argues back too hard and commits the crime of using actual evidence; Vacula, OTOH, is just right – small enough to dogpile on, yet visible enough to make an example out of. If anything, this selection of target for scorched earth character assassination is an admission of the obvious – that Zwan and her fellow FfTB toilet slugs really are pifflingly irrelevant in the greater macrocosm of the godless demographic. I made a graphic highlighting what the actual breakdown of the godless community probably looks like in real terms and posted it in various places –

I was surprised that rather than eliciting chuckles, this was typical of the responses –

This seems to be a reasonable approximation.

And it pretty much is. The reality is that not all of the “community” of the godless is online addicted, much less involved in what passes for the “blogosphere”. Those that are online and do take an interest probably limit their reading to Dawkins’ place and articles in the larger newspapers, having better things to do than waste time in the kind of dramas Zwan chooses to wallow in.

I have written before of the frill necked lizard strategy that Zwan and her fellow baboonketeers employ – it is the practice of generating sheer volume of noise to create the illusion of presence and authority. This illusion is now, thankfully, being seen for what it is – unrepresentative illusion – by most folks that see it.

Zwan also seems to think her feminine allure is irresistable to MRAs and PUAs.

As for the petition itself, with Zwan and others now crowing about victory and dragging Vacula’s corpse through the streets, it reminds me of the tactics from way back used by the Christian Womens’ Temperance Union, targeting anti-prohibition politicians as moral failures and dangers to society. As they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And what a spectacular social experiment the prohibition was. Puritanism is the eternal pox on humanity and nowhere is it’s banner flown so proudly as at FfTB.

Zwan’s gloating hits rock bottom here, in a brief comment on other output from the slander mill by FfTB deserter JT Eberhard

Open Letter to Justin Vacula

I wrote that petition. I urged people to sign it. What lies are there? What in talking about your character is an “attack” rather than a description, Justin? What was distorted?

Be specific. I was.

Yes you were specific you bloated she-pig: specific about lying through your teeth. Quite aside from Eberhard’s criminalisation of twitter snark1, because you’re far too sensitive to deal with it like a grown-up, you have relentlessly perpetrated the lie about Vacula doc-dropping SulkyAmy. Very rich coming from FfTB – the home of doc-dropping and real life harassment of dissident voices, particularly female ones. Rather than debunking this nonsense anew, SulkyAmy’s deceitful smearing is summarised fully here –

When is the last time you can remember a baboon being honest?

The bottom line is that SulkyAmy is a liar. And Zwan is perpetuating the lies. She who kicks ass on a daily basis first attacked Vacula with spurious DMCA claims in order to censor because her precious feelings were hurt. When Vacula did the right thing and counter-claimed that the DMCA was invalid, this fiction was born that he did so to obtain her private details. Vacula’s only error was in providing too much information – that the Sulky one’s private information was available to anyone that could drive a search engine, courtesy of her own advertising for her own online sheltered workshop retard jewellery store. You are a liar Zwan.

This is FfTB patented BigLie engineering at work – a blatant falsehood achieving the status of tacit truth via mindless and relentless repetition.

As for the petition itself – farce is the only appropriate term. Given the noise generated seeking signatures, after a week it had only found 977. Tremble in fear of the once mighty Pharyngulation. Of the signatures obtained, easily in excess of 50% (if you followed the comments) were from those pointing out its’ vileness or poking cheap fun. It must have been excruciating for Zwan to not have absolute editorial control of opinion – reality is pretty painful. Of the comments left, including mine, many were praising Zwan for so unambiguously highlighting what a moral cesspit of a site FfTB actually is – and these comments were the ones upvoted to the top of the list. Ringing endorsement eh, pudgy? Even A Voice For Men contributed –

“As Managing Editor of A Voice for Men, I am shocked and appalled whenever anyone associates themselves with a disgusting site full of kitten-eaters and philatelists like A Voice for Men. Ban Justin Vacula from SCA, in Jesus’ name amen!” 

How much more credible a petition can you have? But, censorship of actual opinion by Zwan, while difficult, was not impossible. There was a painful manual process of flagging individual comments as “offensive” and then deleting them. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. But even this mechanical process could not purge all the dissent. There is plenty still there if you dig –

So you can easily discard half the signatures as protest signatures, either cheap jokes at the blubbery one’s expense or notes of protest. Of the remainder it was pretty evident that many were repeat voters. So, at a very generous best, I think what we had at the end of the day was maybe 200 actual signatures. And that is being very generous. The truthiness of popular revolt.

But, nevertheless, Zwan is hooting and hollering mission accomplished. She has her corpse on a gibbet to display to the subnormal throng. Rootie, tootie doo. But it’s somewhat presumptuous to assume that SCA are going to care about what a bunch of retarded hillbillies from the ideological backwaters of freefromthoughtblogs think anyway. These are the folks that appointed Edwina Rogers after all – much to the disgust of Pope PZ. Vacula’s resignation had nothing to to with pressure from within SCA, and even less to do with Zwan’s poll. What it did have to do with though is the relentless smearing, a large part of which Zwan initiated. A substance free character assassination, which is pretty much the only product that gets churned out of freefromthoughtblogs. That Zwan counts this as an achievement – the lynching of a productive, as opposed to destructive, member of the community – is testament to what a vacuous, narcissistic sack of shit she really is.

As for the other slander directed at Vacula, close to the bottom of the bottomless barrel is Greg Laden… The kind of loser that is so desperate for blog hits, I won’t even link him, rather just provide a mirror. Laden just churns out the same false reality that Zwan has sculpted, but as always takes that extra leap to entrench himself as the gender fem-bot übertoilet slave. This is just a stream of consciousness dump –

Hey Laden, you got a job yet? Why not? Think it might have anything to do with being such a treacherous, slanderous and deceitful PRICK? I guess the obvious never occurs to you… For all your academic no big braining, I guess you also forget that the academia you so desperately want to join can also read your gibberish. Like the obsequious comment #94038 in the same article, spewing racist and sexist pseudoscience to ingratiate yourself to the Atheism+ ideological ghetto that has cast you out as too much of a loser for even them –

Greg Laden  September 30, 8:50 am

Oh, sorry, my mistake. I kind of assumed that as a skeptic you would want to address all challenges to your position.

The question of whether or not MRAs are sexist misogynist jerks that need not be taken seriously was settled a long time ago. I’ll start to debate that issue after I’ve finished debating all the creationists. And I don’t debate them either.

I’ve addressed questions about testosterone here:

Dark skinned people are not damaged white people. White people, on the other hand, are dark skinned people with genetic defects that cause their skin to not have the proper levels of melanin. Have I not blogged about that before? Perhaps I should see to that.

Chris: That’s how I feel, that one thing is enough to disqualify him from a Humanist movement!

Seriously, who in the fuck would ever want to undermine their own integrity by associating with you, you loser? Aside from your intellectual incoherence, your overall psychological stability is also in doubt – not only were you ejected from freefromthoughtblogs for threatening another member (who happens to also be gay and a veteran [erratum – see response to comment 8 below]), your track record at threatening women personally and professionally means even academic “gender studies” departments wouldn’t touch you with a barge pole.

Laden, the loser, encapsulates the “white male” equivalent of the self-hating jew. Greg, if you loathe your gender and skin colour to this extent, then why don’t you man up, castrate yourself and jump in a vat of iodine? Really, of all the loathsome subnormals to spew bile at freefromthoughtblogs, Laden simply takes the cake. It is impossible to place yourself in his mindset.

1 – Eberhard’s gripes against Vacula are surreal. They focus primarily on a tweet (charmingly named shitbag.jpg) –

Really, conduct a thought experiment. What if this comment was directed at a male as opposed to a female? It would be nothing. Here we see the inherent sexism of the baboon troop in full glory – the white knighting of a comment only because it is directed at a female. She with the pussy – a precious snowflake that needs protection from Eberhard the Brave. Thoroughly nauseating.