"I build rockets and like MythBusters"

Thanks to Justicar for snaring this.

Rebecca Watson – godless skepticism’s answer to Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin. There really is no polite way to say “dumb as a bag of ball bearings” is there?

Perhaps there may be an excuse to slip up like this in just a stream of consciousness conversation – but even then, you deserve to be joked about for it and have your nose rubbed in it for a good long time.

But this is not just a casual discussion. This is a planned video presentation. What a proud display of intellectual incoherence and sheer, butt stoopid ignorance. She doesn’t even care about what she says enough to support it with a quick peek in the cesspit of lies – she knows she is preaching to converts, many who are even dumber, and none of them ever check anything.

This, if you believe CFI and The Naked Emperor, is secularism’s golden girl. The role model to lead is into the future…

Dumber than dog shit is what it really is.


Addendum – 30th September

This is beyond merely repugnant, and shows what a sycophantic circle jerk secularism is under these “figureheads” –

Myers, who has no qualms whatsoever about flaying even the most trivial of slip ups in those outside his perverted liberal psychosphere, usually by mutating context and quote mining, cannot suppress the urge to ride like a white knight to Becky’s defense for what is way beyond a simple slip of the tongue. Pathetic. Myers, I hope you’ve at least got a hand job to show for all of your bootlicking efforts to date.